Saturday, June 25, 2011

Medicinal plants in Brazil

Professionals of conventional medicine have started to learn about the medicinal properties and uses of these rainforest plants. Some of the most popular medicinal plants from the Brazilian rainforest are as follows:

Uncaria tomentose: Popularly known as the ‘Cat’s Claw’, this plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The extract from its roots and bark is highly effective in alleviating the pain caused in rheumatoid arthritis. This plant is most commonly found in the Amazon rainforests of Central America and S. America.

Quebra pedra (see photo): Also known as ‘Stone Breaker’, this 1-foot tall plant is found in Amazon rainforests, Brazil, and other tropical rainforest regions across the globe. It is very effective against bladder problem. It is also used to lower the blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is very effective against fever and high blood pressure.

Myrcia salicifolia: Also called ‘Insulina vegetal’, this rainforest plant found in the Amazon is extensively used nowadays to treat diabetes.

Mirabilis Jalapa: Also referred to as ‘Clavillia’, this medicinal herb can be found easily in the rainforests of India, Latin America, South America, and France. It tuberous roots function as a great laxative to treat chronic constipation and other digestive tract problems. The plant extract is also very useful against fungal, viral, parasitic, or bacterial infections.

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